

Comprehensive Eye Exams

We provide eye care for all ages and customize the exams accordingly. We perform special testing for children to ensure proper development of the eyes. The doctors also want to provide our older population with the best vision possible to make certain that they experience the highest quality of life. Whatever your age, the comprehensive eye exam includes an informative discussion with a doctor you will get to know and trust. It's the feeling that someone truly cares about your vision.


Evaluations of Refractive Status

Whether you are interested in glasses, contact lenses, or both, our doctors will provide you with the most accurate prescription to fit your needs. You are an individual with specific visual requirements and our doctors recognize that. Every occupation has different environmental demands. Driving, computer work, paperwork, fine detail work, all can require different types of correction. Special testing will be performed to fit you with the most appropriate prescription. We will even demonstrate your new prescription for you before we have it made so you can see the improvement!

More interested in eliminating dependency on glasses or contacts? Our doctors can educate you on the refractive surgery options appropriate for you. We offer LASIK evaluations!


Comprehensive Ocular Health Evaluations

Consider us your primary care provider for your eyes. Our doctors have been highly trained to treat and manage ocular disease. Red eyes, infections, foreign bodies, contact lens related complications, and ocular trauma are often more appropriately treated in an optometric setting as an opposed to an urgent care. We are licensed to treat and manage anterior segment conditions and can do so with the use of a biomicroscope. 

We also maintain the very latest diagnostic instruments to help manage various eye problems associated with glaucoma, macular disease, and diabetes.

Our doctors are certified in the State of Florida to administer diagnostic and therapeutic pharmaceutical agents. If further testing or treatment is required for you eye health, they will quickly recommend the appropriate specialist.


Dry Eye Disease management

Dry eye disease is a condition in which a person doesn't have enough quality tears to lubricate and nourish the eye. Tears are necessary for maintaining the health of the front surface of the eye and for providing clear vision. Treatment for dry eyes disease include dry eye masks, PRN OMEGA 3, TempSure Envi®, BlephEx®, iLux®, and prescription drops.